June 25th, 2021 Exclusive LeSS Experience Day

This event is exclusively for people that participated in a LeSS course by Jürgen De Smet. For once… do not spread the word! May 28th, 60+ subscribed and we hope more will join in. The experience day is structured as an Open Space where you create the agenda and define which deep dives you want to engage in. And… we are honoured that some people we have helped with their LeSS adoptions have accepted  our invitation to come and share their stories and experiences based on the questions you have for them.

In either case the moment to go in depth into certain aspects, context, share your experiences, learn from others their experiences and grow your expertise.


  • 9am CET – Opening & Agenda for the morning sessions.
  • 9:30 till 12:00 CET – Interactive breakout sessions incl. pre-arranged slots with insights on LeSS adoptions at Y Soft, SFPD (Belgian Federal Pension Service) and Fluvius.
  • 14:00 CET – Opening & Agenda for afternoon sessions
  • 14:30 – 17:00 CET – Interactive breakout sessions incl. pre-arranged slots with insights on LeSS adoptions at Y Soft, SFPD (Belgian Federal Pension Service), Fluvius and Barco Clickshare.

Make sure you attend the opening sessions as practical information will be shared to help you around the breakout sessions, once that has been arranged you’re free to join sessions of your preference. Do feel free to only join in the morning or afternoon session, you are not obliged to attend the entire day or even half a day. Both or one of the opening sessions is a must, everything else is up to you.

This is an online event without recording and a high “what happens in Vegas” approach. Make sure you have Zoom application installed for easy breakout movements. Agenda and breakout sessions will be guided within a Mural digital whiteboard.

Some insights on the people we have invited for some pre-arranged Q&A sessions.

  • Y Soft is a Czech company in the printing industry and started its LeSS adoption journey in 2018. They went a long way already, grew into a LeSS Huge setup in a full remote setting and has many learnings to share. LeSS adoptions are hard, tough and require persistence in its simplicity. We’ll have Ales Nevesely (Head of SafeQ), Georgiy Zhytar (Coach) and Milan Schwarz (Coach) on board.
  • SFPD (Belgian Federal Pension Service) started its LeSS adoption journey also in 2018 with a very technical focus – The No More Majors community. Similar, yet completely different from Y Soft journey and experiences here. We’ll have Stéphane Goffinet (Director), Aude Vandeputte (Product Owner) and Tom Jans (Scrum Master) on board.
  • Fluvius is a Utilities distributor in Belgian (Electricity & Gas) and started its LeSS adoption in November 2019 with a very small group in a very large PMO driven organisation. Broadened their product definition twice during their journey and has lots of war stories to share how to integrate LeSS into a larger picture. We’ll have Willem Balliauw (Product Owner team member) and Kelly Droogmans (Scrum Master) during our morning sessions; Marc Lens (Product Owner team member) and Rik Bollen (Scrum Master) during our afternoon sessions.
  • BASE Company is one of the Big 3 Mobile Telecom operators in Belgium and went through a LeSS Huge adoption while being on the market & sold to Telenet. The former CTO/CS&IO, Suzanne Kelder-Roosen will shine a light on how things went and answer all your questions.
  • Barco Clickshare is a HW/SW product suite sold in a B2B and B2C market worldwide and attempted a small LeSS Huge adoption back in 2016-2017. The adoption had some great aspects to it but discontinued along the way, the not so great story and still valuable to learn from brought to you by Michaël Vanderheeren (Product Director).

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