Use Scrum so it brings value and impact . Just a 2 minute read each week

  • The team’s productivity is not yet what it could be.
    Customer centricity needs more attention.
    Have a more engaged team.
    Collaborate closer with business and users.
    Focus more on outcomes than struggling with a fixed scope.

The list goes on…

The team is doing their best, yet…

It does not feel an optimal use of Scrum. There is not enough impact. It feels…  sometimes even bad, a waste of valuable time.

There is something missing… But what?

We have seen a lot of poor implementations of Scrum. So…
What if you could…

  • Gain insights in how to use Scrum so it makes a difference, by going back to its foundations – not basic or straightforward, yet foundational, fundamental!

  • Step by step grow, through a short weekly message.

  • Have a prompt to act upon, individually, or even better, discuss about it with your team and grow together to make that impact.

Your time is precious. 
Learn two minutes each week. It will make a tremendous difference.

Keep learning and improving.  Continuous improvement. Inspect and adapt.

Get content created and curated by Professional Scrum Trainer Steven Deneir and LeSS Trainer Jürgen De Smet.

Not sure? Some feedback we received on these series:

  • Fantastic newsletter guys! Just wanted to reply saying your newsletters are always insightful and helpful!
    I’m based in Sydney Australia so your inspiration and wisdom is being shared in my Scrum teams!
    D. Cox.

  • Hello Steven and Jurgen,
    Thank you for your weekly emails. Your exchange of scrum intelligence has been instrumental to simplifying and strengthening my understanding of the Scrum methodology and agile processes.
    S. Bhende.
Why still hesitate?
Link back to the underlying concepts of the Scrum framework

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